Customer Satisfaction Feedback for Magento 2

Customer Satisfaction Feedback Extension for Magento 2
Hyvä Compatible Themes Out-of-the-box
Mage-OS Compatible
Composer Installation Composer Installation?

Collect Valuable Feedback From Your Customers

The most flexible & powerful extension for collecting customer feedback for your Magento 2 store. Understand your customers. Identify & fix their concerns and problems. Take well-founded and sound business decisions.

Get The Full Picture About Your Customers:

  • Get Quantitative & Qualitative
    Customer Feedback
  • Learn & Understand What Your
    Customers Really Want
  • Improve Your Business Targeted To
    Your Customers Needs
  • Unique 3-Step Feedback Flow
  • And Much More...

See All Highlights


Magento Marketplace Approved by
  • One-Time Payment
  • Lifetime Access To Source Code
  • 1 Year Free Support
  • 1 Year Free Updates

Approved & Verified by Magento Marketplace


1st Extension Provider
     With Hyvä Support
     Awesome since 2021!


Unencrypted. 100% Open Source & Customizable


Coding Standards Applied. Clean & Readable Code


Countless Satisfied Customers: Be The Next One!


Made With Love

Our extensions are made with love & passion for building new things, perfection & performance in mind.


Field Tested

Our extensions are field-proven in our own client projects.

Customer Feedback


Collect Valuable Feedback From Your Customers & Understand How To Satisfy Your Customers

Understanding customers needs, expectations & satisfaction is key for improving any business.
Gather feedback, suggestions and also critique
as a base to define actionables
for improving your service and growing your business.


Understanding the customer - the holy grail for running an online business successfully!
Understanding if customers like your offering and what they might be missing, understanding if customers enjoy the user experience on your site or if they struggle to find what they are looking for, struggle to place an order, etc., etc....
Insights and information that help to understand your customers are invaluable for improving your Magento online store. Only when having solid insights and knowledge about your customers, targeted measures can be defined and implemented to improve your Magento store to better meet your customer's needs and expectations.
The tools commonly used by most online stores to get insights about their customers are web analytics tools, such as Google Analytics or Matomo Analytics. Such tools provide information about your customer's behavior such as, what links they click, what are the most visited pages, what are the pages with the highest exit rate.
But what these tools do not tell you:
WHY, why are customers doing what they are doing?


Besides analyzing the web traffic on the site, every store of course also offers at least a customer contact form as a feedback channel to their customers.
But is this enough?
How many customers take the effort to search the contact form, then compose a comprehensive message to let the store owner know what is on their mind?
For sure just a fraction of customers will do that, most will just leave the site with their frustration or take everything as unchangeable as it is anyway.
With JaJuMa Customer Satisfaction Feedback extension, you can now open up a feedback channel closer to the customer, right where he is on your site.
But not as a discouraging typical feedback form that requires the customer to input all his data with name, email, phone + spent the time for writing the actual message.
Our Customer Satisfaction Feedback extension motivates your customers to provide feedback in a playful way. Leveraging the behavior familiar from social media with "Thumbs Up" 👍 and "Thumbs Down" 👎 buttons or rating stars ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ as quantitative feedback and as a second step inviting the customer to additionally (and optionally) also provide some more details as qualitative feedback via a contact form.
Of course, all the feedback received is linked to the layout (Category Page, Product Page, Cart, etc) and exact URL from which the feedback originated for deeper analysis and specific insights.


Customer Satisfaction Feedback by JaJuMa-Develop
The Most Flexible & Powerful Extension For Collecting Customer Feedback For Your Magento 2 Store

Understand your Customers - Identify their Wishes, Concerns and Problems
Take well-founded and sound Business Decisions


Truly Understand
The Customer

In Your Magento 2 Store


Understand What Makes Your
Customers Happy

In Your Magento 2 Store


Understand What Makes Your
Customers Unhappy

In Your Magento 2 Store


Get Quantitative & Qualitative

From Your Customers


New Customer-Friendly &

Feedback Channel


Playfully Motivate to
Give Feedback

With 3-Step Feedback Flow


Get Valuable

About Your Customers Wishes


Collect & Capture
More Customer Feedback

Than Ever Before


Gather Customer Suggestions
and also Critique

To See The Full Picture



On How And Where To Improve


Take Well-Founded &
Sound Business Decisions

Regarding Your Online Store


Your Business

Targeted To Your Customers Needs


All Magento Layouts
As Well As Custom Layouts



Highly Flexible
& Customizable

To Match Your Store & Brand

Hyvä Theme Compatible
See Hyvä Demo
Mage-OS Compatible
See Mage-OS Demo


Customer Satisfaction Feedback Extension for Magento 2 by JaJuMa In Detail. Capture Unlimited Customer Feedback.

Get The Full Picture About Happy and Unhappy Customers.

Customer Satisfaction Feedback Extension for Hyvä Themes

Customer Satisfaction Feedback extension by JaJuMa is incredibly powerful and flexible.

Our extension allows you to collect and capture more customer feedback than ever before. Both, as quantitative and qualitative feedback. No need to wait and hope for customers to search and find the contact form. Without sending out emails asking for reviews or feedback and hoping for some customers to reply.

Let your customers share what's on their mind right where they are on your site, on any page and layout you decide to offer them to do so by adding the Customer Satisfaction Feedback form.

Motivate your customers to provide feedback by making it as easy as a simple click on a button. Using the typical behavior they are familiar with from social media sites such as Facebook by expressing their emotions by simply clicking "Like" 👍 or "Dislike" 👎 or give a rating ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ .

And while they are already on it, after clicking the Thumbs Up or Down button as quantitative feedback, invite them to share their thoughts in more detail by showing a feedback form for qualitative feedback.

To get as much feedback as possible, our extension allows you to tailor the feedback questions to your customers specifically to your needs. Individually for every layout on which you decide to show the Customer Satisfaction Feedback form.

Of course, every feedback collected is tied and linked to the layout and exact URL from which the feedback was provided.
Enabling you to do detailed analysis and get in-depth insights into which parts of your site are making your customers happy and which parts provide opportunities for improvements.

Unique 3-Step Feedback Flow

Our Customer Satisfaction Feedback extension comes with a unique "3-Step Feedback Flow", providing an user-experience unlike any other feedback form and helping you to gather as much feedback as possible.

Feedback Step 1:

As a first step, customer will only see a form title with your individual question or address to your customer and a "Vote Form" in the form of thumbs up 👍 / thumbs down 👎 or rating star ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ icons.

By addressing your customer directly with your individual layout specific question and showing the visually appealing and familiar like/dislike icons, the customer gets motivated to express whether he overall likes your site and service or if he is rather unsatisfied.
In this first step, the extension leverages the behavioural pattern customers are used to from social media to express whats on their mind and if they like what they see or not with just a simple click.

With this neat little trick, you not only get as much feedback as possible, but also a quantitative feedback that can be analyzed easily to pintpoint which parts of your site are working well for your customers and which parts need improvements in order to make your customers happy.

Customer Satisfaction Feedback Extension - Quantitative Like/Dislike Vote Feedback Customer Satisfaction Feedback Extension - Quantitative Rating Vote Feedback

Feedback Step 2:

While the customer is already in the process of giving feedback, why not try to get more details about what he thinks?

No problem, our Customer Satisfaction Feedback extension allows you to do just that!

After the customer submitted the form in the 1. step with his vote by clicking "Like" 👍 or "Dislike" 👎 or give a rating ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ , he will be "rewarded" with a thank you message, tailored to his choice to show you care about his feedback.

With this thank you message, you can also invite the customer to explain more and provide a qualified feedback...

Customer Satisfaction Feedback Extension - Vote Feedback

Feedback Step 3:

...if the customer confirms to provide more feedback, a classic feedback form is shown as popup as overlay.

This form can be customized with your individual message or question and allows the customer to provide a detailed qualified feedback as text message, together with his contact data if he wishes so.

Customer Satisfaction Feedback Extension - Qualitative Feedback Form

Scope & Features

JaJuMa Customer Satisfaction Feedback Extension enables you to add feedback forms to your Magento store for collecting and gathering valuable customer feedback.


Customer Feedback forms can be added to all Magento default as well as custom layouts. Of course, customer feedback forms can be configured individually for each layout, allowing you to address your customers tailored to the purpose of each layout and Magento 2 page.

The feedback form is at first shown in an unobstrusive way right above the footer. Instead of showing the typical discouraging feedback form with many fields to fill, only a form title for you to address your customers and some icons are shown.

Of course, unobstrusive does not mean the form will go unnoticed by your customers. The form can be easily customized e. g. by phrasing the form title to directly address your customers with a attention-grabbing question you want to ask and can be easily styled to match your design or stand out by configuring eye-catching colors for the text and icons - just as you prefer.


Add & Configure Feedback Forms

JaJuMa Customer Satisfaction Feedback extension allows

  • Adding as many satisfaction feedback forms as you like
  • On any Magento default layout
  • On your custom layouts
  • As well as by URL Path

2 Vote Types Supported

For each feedback form added you can choose as vote type:

  • Thumb Vote: "Like" 👍 / "Dislike" 👎
  • Star Vote: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Custom & Configurable Texts

For each feedback form you can configure:

  • The vote text shown in step 1
  • The vote feedback text shown in step 2
    (individually for each vote result)
  • The feedback form text & fields shown in step 3

Configurable Colors

and of course you can also configure the colors for

  • Texts as well as
  • Icons used

Customer Reviews

Little Tool - Great Effect
Review by
We got interesting feedbacks from this tool we never got before from "reviews".
Great tool!!!
Review by
Evaluate customer feedback correctly! Thanks to this extension I increased my sales. Helpful and competent support.

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Frequently Asked Questions

General Magento Extension Questions
How to install Magento 2 extensions from JaJuMa?

We offer different ways of Magento 2 extension installation:

Before Installing

  • We recommend you to duplicate your live store on a staging/test site and try installation on your staging/test site before deploying to your live store
  • Backup Magento files and the store database

Please Note:
It’s very important to backup all themes and extensions in Magento before installation, especially when you are working on a live server. We strongly recommend you to do not skip this step.

Manual Extension Installation via FTP/SSH:

After purchasing an extension, you can download the module as .zip package in your Customer Account.
After downloading the .zip package, please follow these steps for installation:

  1. Log into your hosting space via a FTP client (e. g. FileZilla, WinSCP, cuteFtp)
  2. Create Folder: /app/code/Jajuma/[ExtensionName]*
  3. Unzip extension package and upload files into: /app/code/Jajuma/[ExtensionName]*
  4. Enter and run the following commands at the command line:
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

* Note: [ExtensionName] can be found in registration.php file: Jajuma_[ExtensionName]


Extension Installation via Composer / Magento Marketplace:

For installation via composer, please get the extension

  • from Github and install as any other extension from Github or
  • from Magento Marketplace and follow this Installation Guide and
    make sure to use the correct key for Marketplace repo (the key that belongs to the account that purchased the module).
    In case of issue with installing via composer, please double-check to use the correct key for Marketplace repo.
    Your key should be in your auth.json file.

Links for composer installation to Github/Marketplace can be found on top of this page in technical info section - Click Here

Error Could not find a matching version of package jajuma/[module-name]. Check the package spelling, your version constraint and that the package

With this error message, most likely the key used for the Marketplace repo is wrong/invalid, i. e. not the key that belongs to the account that purchased the module. Please double-check to use the correct key for the Marketplace repo.

For installing extensions from Magento Marketplace, please follow this guide and make sure to use the correct key for the Marketplace repo:
Installation Guide

Please feel free to get in touch with our support in case you have any further questions or concerns or check with Marketplace support in case the installation issue can not be resolved.

Do you offer free technical support?

After purchasing a (non-free) extension we provide 12 month support via support ticket for free.

Do you offer customization service for your extensions?

Yes, please get in touch with our customer support so we can clarify your requirement and provide a quote.

Where can I download my extension?

You can download your extension from your customer account as soon as the payment has been processed.

Do you offer a free trial period?

Unfortunately, we can not offer a free trial period.

However, we do have demo site for all our extensions. Feel free to test all the features and see how the extensions work.

In case of any questions or concerns regarding compatibility or how some extension works our customer support is also always happy to help.

Do you offer refunds?

All our extensions are non-tangible downloadable goods. Hence we can unfortunately not issue refunds.

Refunds will NEVER be issued for services provided such as installation support, customization and software development work.


Version: 1.0.0

  • Initial Release

Version: 1.0.1

  • Fixed: Issue with Switch Template on Hyvä Themes

Version: 1.0.2

  • Update Style

Version: 1.0.3

  • Updated: Compatibility with M2.4.6 & latest magewire

Version: 1.1.0

  • Added: Configs for feedback form fields required/optional/hidden
  • Added: Store View support
  • Added: Allow adding feedback forms by URL Path(s)

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