Exciting, Very Exciting Times

Yes, we admit it right away! Blogging, we have recently neglected somewhat. The discussions and consistently positive feedback on our Marketplace Software where just too exciting. Furthermore we welcomed the next marketplace as a customer at JaJuMa. But none of the feedback is lost. They all go into the continuous development and more optimizations for customer-friendliness of our multi-vendor system. On the other hand, with us it is true that self-representation comes second. In that sense, do not blame us, we will try to improve somewhat in return.

Our Current JaJuMa.de-Homepage

The current JaJuMa.de E-Commerce Agency Site is a temporary one and should initially be a kind of "business card" on the net for us. We are, of course, aware that one or the other information is missing here and must be added with the relaunch. The good news is that our designer has already been underway to develop the new page. Although there is no hard schedule for relaunch the site, we are on it and will definitely get there - as long as our customer projects allow us to do so  . For the time being, you can always contact us if you need more detailed information on one of these areas or if you would like to discuss a specific project with us.

Update: JaJuMa.de - Relaunch

JaJuMa-Market Websession

It's always better to see the solution than just read or to get told. As a prospective customer, you can only make a final assessment of the scope of functions, but also of individual features of our /en/jajuma-market, after you have seen the solution and also addressed your queries to us. Even though we are currently launching a marketplace demo system , we are happy at any time to show you the system in a "guided" session. Please also use the opportunity for further inquiries and join us in further discussions. We are happy to show you our solution without any obligation.

Lets get in touch!